
Do Christians believe that drinking juice for communion is *literally* Jesus’ blood? (Spoiler alert: we don’t!) What do Southern Baptists believe? What if I disagree with something in your doctrinal statement? For answers to these questions and more, click through the drop-down menu to the right.

  • The word “gospel” simply means good news. The gospel is the key to a relationship with God. But what does that all mean? Click HERE to watch a 3 minute video explaining the gospel.

  • Also referred to as “communion”, the Lord’s Supper (Luke 22:19-20) is practiced as a physical representation. We, as christians, partake in the Lord’s Supper as a metaphor to remind ourselves of the sacrifice that was made by Jesus to bridge the division between God and man created by sin.

  • UBC is aligned with the Southern Baptist Convention. Please click HERE to read the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 (Statement of Faith). Don’t forget: “In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity.”!